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Creating or requesting an app registration

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To create an app registration some information about the app must be provided.

This information is essential to configure the app registration and provide it with API permissions (OAuth delegation), if necessary.

As a rule of thumb, all environments should have the same app registrations, with the exception of DEV where applications that are under development may have their own development-only app registrations.

Platform app registrations

Below are the four main application types and what properties they need configured:

What type of application are you integrating / developing

If the application is a Web app the following information must be provided

  • What is the name of your application
  • What environment will the application be integrated with (DEV / TEST / PROD)
  • Is it an OpenID Connect integration
  • What redirect_uri (reply URL) should be allowed for returning tokens
  • What API permissions (resources), if any, and scopes does the application need access to

Once an app registration is created a secret (client_secret) will be provisioned, which must be provided by the application when calling the Microsoft Identity Platform /authorize endpoint.


If using Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) principles the app registration client_secret can be put into an Azure Key Vault for safe keeping.
App registration secrets can only be viewed (once) and must be copied immediately after resource creation.

The implementation of Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) is supported (and recommended to use) for single-page apps (SPA), which are often JavaScript-based. However, mobile, desktop and now also web apps (confidential clients), as described in Application types for Microsoft identity platform are recommended to implement PKCE.

If the app is a single-page application please provide the following

  • What is the name of your application
  • What environment will the application be integrated with (DEV / TEST / PROD)
  • What redirect_uri (reply URL) should be allowed for returning tokens
  • What API permissions (resources), if any, and scopes does the application need access to


For single-page apps, avoid using Implicit flow.
This authentication method should not be used in production (nor any) environments.
It's highly recommended to also avoid enabling it in DEV as authorization code flow with PKCE is the secure and recommended approach.

When developing in JavaScript, make sure to use MSAL.js 2.x (at a minimum) package as versions prior to 2.x ONLY support the implicit code flow.

The quote below is from the Microsoft Docs article Tutorial: Sign in users and call the Microsoft Graph API from a JavaScript SPA using auth code flow:

MSAL.js 2.x improves on MSAL.js 1.0 by supporting the authorization code flow in the browser instead of the implicit grant flow.
MSAL.js 2.x does NOT support the implicit flow.

See here for detailed information on the Proof Key for Code Exchange by OAuth Public Clients standard.

If is is a Web API this information is required

  • What is the name of your application
  • What environment will the application be integrated with (DEV / TEST / PROD)
  • The name of scopes the API exposes / publishes for consumption by other applications (e.g. read, write, user_impersonation)

And if it is a Native client this information is required

  • What is the name of your application
  • What environment will the application be integrated with (DEV / TEST / PROD)
  • What API permissions (resource) and scopes does the application need access to
  • What redirect_uri (reply URL) should be allowed for returning tokens

A redirect_uri for native apps using Microsoft Authentication Library may look like

Application registration form

Create / request app registration form

This is a template that can be used when creating or requesting an app registration:

Name Type Reply URLs Allow implicit flow Scope API Permissions Environment

App registration answer form with information to configured in the application

This is a template that can be used once an app registration has been created:

Name Type Reply URLs Allow implicit flow Scope API Permissions Client ID Client Secret Environment

Example with two sample apps - create / request app registration

Name Type Reply URLs Allow implicit flow Scope API Permissions Environment
Mirage Web Web App https://localhost/web/auth false N/A Mirage API (user_impersonation) Dev
Mirage API API https://localhost/api/auth false user_impersonation N/A Dev

Example with two sample apps - response after app registrations have been created

Name Type Reply URLs Allow implicit flow Scope API Permissions Client ID Client Secret Environment
Mirage Web Web App https://localhost/web/auth false N/A Mirage API (user_impersonation) <appId> <appSecret> Dev
Mirage API API https://localhost/api/auth false user_impersonation N/A <appId> N/A Dev