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1. Installation


This guide provides a quick walkthrough for installing the Managed Azure Kubernetes service application from the Azure Marketplace.


For the application to work as expected. The following resource providers must be registered in your subscription.


The required resource providers must be registered before you start the installation process. Failing to do so will result in a failed deployment.

  1. Go to your subscription in the Azure Portal (the subscription where you plan to deploy the application).
  2. Select Resource providers under Settings in the Menu.
  3. Ensure the following providers have the status Registered
    • Microsoft.Monitor
    • Microsoft.Dashboard

Install the application

  1. Visit the application's page on the Azure Marketplace: Azure Kubernetes by Fortytwo.

  2. Click on the Get it now button to initiate the setup process. Click Continue to proceed.

  3. Choose the preferred plan and click on the Create button to configure the application.

  4. Follow the configuration steps provided by the setup wizard. It will guide you through the necessary configurations for your requirements.

  5. After completing the configuration, click Create and wait for the deployment to finish.

Your application installation is now underway!

Next step